1997 Tynan-Eyre Charity Match

South Melbourne v Carlton

These statistics were written and researched for the OzSoccer archive by Damian Smith and Greg Stock.

The Tynan-Eyre Charity match is an annual match oraganised between South Melbourne and a Melbourne based opponent to raise money for the families of Victorian policemen who have been killed in the line of duty. The 1997 match was played between South Melbourne and Carlton at Lakeside Stadium.
Played : August 5 1997 Venue : Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park
South Melbourne
Jason Petkovic, Steve Iosifidis, Fausto De Amicis, Nick Orlic, David Clarkson (Robert Liparoti 78'), Steve Panopoulos (Vaughan Coveny 54'), Paul Trimboli, Michael Curcija, Con Boutsianis (Tansel Baser 54'), Jason Polak (George Goutzioulis 8'), Goran Lozanovski
Goals : Curcija 11' 80' Orlic 15' Panopoulos 47'pk
4 - 1 Carlton
Dean Anastasiadis, Robert Trajkovski, Con Anthopoulos, John Markovski (Branko Bacak 67'), Sean Douglas, Marcus Stergiopoulos, Vince Grella (Catalano 31'), Daniel Allsopp, Lubomir Lapsansky (Sapazovski 74'), Andy Vlahos (Kresimir Marusic 46'), Andy Vargas
Goal : Allsopp 49'