New South Wales League Archive This archive documents the statistical history of Association Football in New South Wales and is primarily compiled by Greg Stock |
NSW Honours |
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Football NSW |
State League Archive |
The overall aim is to document the statistical history of New South Wales soccer with particular emphasis on the top senior divisions. These include the National Premier League 1 (2013-present), the N.S.W. Premier League (2000/1-2012), the Winter Super League (2001-2004), Super League (1992-2000) and the First Division (1957-1991). Football South Coast (Illawarra) is listed here but the Northern New South Wales competitions are listed on seperate pages.
It is amazing to think that despite the first organised games of football occurring in the 1880s there has never been a defining satistical record compiled in an accessible form for New South Wales. This page marks the first "public" attempt at putting over 140 years of matierial together in one format. Additions are made on an adhoc basis as time allows.
Matierial in this archive has come from a variety of sources.
These include;
*Soccer World 1957-1982
*Soccer Action 1976-1987
*Australian and British Soccer Weekly 1981-present
*Super Soccer 1992-2002
*Sydney Daily Newspapers
*History of New South Wales Soccer 1880-1980 by Dr Phil Mosely
*History of New South Wales Soccer by Sid Grant and Harry Hetherington
*N.S.W. Soccer Federation Yearbooks 1957-1968
*N.S.W.S.F. Annual Reports
*Soccer Weekly News 1944-1958
*N.S.W.S.F.A. Yearbooks 1944-1958
*Various Match Day Programmes
*Various club publications
*Oral Histories
This material has been carefully researched and is currently providing the framework upon which this archive is built. For some seasons there is scant records and even finding scores and scorers is difficult, wheras for other years a full record exists.
There have been a number of splits and changes in football administration throughout its history in Australia. The biggest of these was the formation of the Federation of New South Wales Soccer Clubs in 1957. They took over the running of the code in 1959 following the demise of the New South Wales Soccer Football Association. For this end two competitions ran in seasons 1957 and 1958 as both bodies fought for control. Prior to 1957 clubs based in Newcastle were included in the NSWSFA competitions - some seasons they were seperate and in others they were combined. Post 1959 they formed their own Federation so these have been included on the Northern New South Wales page.
Whats New: Having been in hiatus for a number of years the current aim is to put together a framework of final tables going as far back as possible. The NSW Honours page has been added with a statistical history of the Gardiner Cup.
Thanks to everyone who has been assisting us in this project but especially to FNSW (in particular Stuart Hodge and Troy McColl), NNSWF (Liam Bentley), the late 'great' Kevin Christopher who was one of the great supporters of this project, Paul Goodwin, Tony 'Supercoach' Dunn, Peter Smith, Jim Jones, Neville Arrowsmith, Travis Faulks, Alan Morley, Neville Cruickshanks, Andrew Howe, Greg Werner and John Punshon for their contributions. Current and former Federation personnel have also assisted including Adam Mark, Binesh Mudaliar, Robert Grasso, Mark Stavroulakis, Micky Brock, Mark Fowler and David Cooper.
How can I help? We are always on the lookout for any old soccer papers/programmes, photographs, memorabilia or artifacts that might be able to assist us. There might some stuff sitting around your garage or wardrobe that your looking to donate to a good home, so rather than throw out this gear, please don't hesitate to drop Greg Stock a line. Sadly too much of this stuff has seen it's way into the rubbish tin over the years and it should be protected and preserved for future generations. Thanks for your interest and keep checking back for further updates!
For copies of programmes, yearbooks, annuals, handbooks and matieiral please point your browser at Mark Boric website Melbourne Soccer Football Library. Mark has done a remarkable job assembling vast array of Australian football publications including New South Wales.