1987 Victorian Provisional League Division Four Results

written by John Punshon
Sources: The Geelong Advertiser, The Sunday Observer
If anyone can help with corrections or missing details, please contact me.

Home Team v Away Team
Round One
Saturday, March 28, 1987
Carrum United 2 - 2 Balaclava
Debney Park 1 - 3 Ascot St Marks
Eagles United 2 - 2 Skye Rovers
Fitzroy City
Goals: Scorers not known
3 - 4 Brintons
Goals: Ashley McIntyre x 3, Paul Brandwyk
Lyndale United 1 - 1 West United
Mulgrave Ascom 0 - 0 Altona United
Riversdale 2 - 4 Kensington United
Round Two
Saturday, April 4, 1987
Altona United 1 - 5 Lyndale United
Ascot St Marks 3 - 0 Mulgrave Ascom
Balaclava 3 - 2 Fitzroy City
Goals: Ashley McIntyre x 5, Ron Kirkwood x 2, Rob Dawson
8 - 0 Debney Park
Kensington United 0 - 2 Carrum United
Skye Rovers 1 - 1 Riversdale
West United 1 - 1 Eagles United
Round Three
Saturday, April 11, 1987
Fitzroy City 3 - 0 Carrum United
Debney Park 2 - 3 Balaclava
Mulgrave Ascom 0 - 1 Brintons
Goal: Rob Dawson
Lyndale United 4 - 3 Ascot St Marks
Eagles United 1 - 0 Altona United
Riversdale 2 - 2 West United
Skye Rovers 0 - 0 Kensington United
Round Four
Saturday, April 18, 1987
Altona United 3 - 1 Riversdale
Ascot St Marks 4 - 0 Eagles United
Balaclava 2 - 1 Mulgrave Ascom
Goal: Ron Kirkwood
1 - 3 Lyndale United
Goals: Jim Lee, Tom Vonic, Ralph Rennison
Carrum United 4 - 0 Debney Park
Kensington United 4 - 0 Fitzroy City
West United 2 - 0 Skye Rovers
Round Five
Saturday, April 25, 1987
Debney Park 2 - 1 Fitzroy City
Eagles United
Goal: Scorer not known
1 - 3 Brintons
Goals: Robin Prutey, Rob Dawson, Ashley McIntyre
Lyndale United 1 - 1 Balaclava
Mulgrave Ascom 2 - 4 Carrum United
Riversdale 1 - 0 Ascot St Marks
Skye Rovers 0 - 1 Altona United
West United 3 - 0 Kensington United
Round Six
Saturday, May 2, 1987
Altona United 0 - 0 West United
Ascot St Marks 1 - 1 Skye Rovers
Balaclava 0 - 2 Eagles United
Brintons 0 - 0 Riversdale
Carrum United 2 - 0 Lyndale United
Fitzroy City 2 - 1 Mulgrave Ascom
Kensington United 0 - 0 Debney Park
Round Seven
Saturday, May 9, 1987
Altona United 0 - 1 Kensington United
Eagles United 0 - 1 Carrum United
Lyndale United 1 - 2 Fitzroy City
Riversdale 2 - 3 Balaclava
Skye Rovers 2 - 5 Brintons
West United 0 - 1 Ascot St Marks
Date not Known, 1987
Mulgrave Ascom 1 - 2 Debney Park
Round Eight
Saturday, May 16, 1987
Ascot St Marks 1 - 1 Altona United
Balaclava 1 - 1 Skye Rovers
Goals: Ron Kirkwood, David Brough
2 - 0 West United
Carrum United 2 - 0 Riversdale
Debney Park 1 - 2 Lyndale United
Fitzroy City 1 - 2 Eagles United
Kensington United 2 - 0 Mulgrave Ascom
Round Nine
Saturday, May 23, 1987
Altona United
Goal: Zoran Bojosovski
1 - 2 Brintons
Goals: Ashley McIntyre, Lance Friend
Ascot St Marks 2 - 3 Kensington United
Eagles United 2 - 0 Debney Park
Lyndale United 2 - 3 Mulgrave Ascom
Riversdale 2 - 2 Fitzroy City
Skye Rovers 0 - 1 Carrum United
West United 3 - 1 Balaclava
Round Ten
Saturday, May 30, 1987
Balaclava 1 - 2 Altona United
Goal: Ashley McIntyre
1 - 5 AscotSt Marks
Goals: Scorers not known
Carrum United 0 - 2 West United
Debney Park 1 - 0 Riversdale
Fitzroy City 1 - 2 Skye Rovers
Kensington United 2 - 0 Lyndale United
Mulgrave Ascom 3 - 1 Eagles United
Round Eleven
Saturday, June 6, 1987
Altona United 1 - 1 Carrum United
Ascot St Marks 7 - 0 Balaclava
Brintons 0 - 3 Kensington United
Goals: Claudio Sesta, Lee Lim x 2
Eagles United 2 - 1 Lyndale United
Riversdale 3 - 3 Mulgrave Ascom
Skye Rovers 1 - 1 Debney Park
West Unlted 1 - 1 Fitzroy City
Round Twelve
Saturday, June 13, 1987
Balaclava 0 - 4 Brintons
Goals: Andre Prutey x 2, Lance Friend, Rob Dawson
Carrum United 1 - 1 Ascot St Marks
Debney Park 0 - 0 West United
Fitzroy City 0 - 2 Altona United
Kensington United 2 - 2 Eagles United
Lyndale United 2 - 1 Riversdale
Mulgrave Ascom 2 - 1 Skye Rovers
Round Thirteen
Saturday, June 20, 1987
Altona United 5 - 3 Debney Park
Ascot St Marks 2 - 0 Fitzroy City
Goal: David Brough
1 - 3 Carrum United
Goals: Othello Perri, Danny Ergnini, Louie Umberti
Kensington UnIted 2 - 1 Balaclava
Riversdale 0 - 0 Eagles United
Skye Rovers 1 - 2 Lyndale United
West United 0 - 3 Mulgrave Ascom
Round Fourteen
Saturday, June 27, 1987
Altona United 1 - 0 Mulgrave Ascom
Ascot St Marks 2 - 1 Debney Park
Balaclava 1 - 1 Carrum United
Goals: Rob Dawson x 2, Own goal
3 - 0 Fitzroy City
Kensington United 2 - 0 Riversdale
Skye Rovers 0 - 1 Eagles United
West United 3 - 1 Lyndale United
Round Fifteen
Saturday, July 4, 1987
Carrum United 2 - 0 Kensington United
Debney Park 2 - 2 Brintons
Eagles United 0 - 0 West United
Fitzroy City 0 - 2 Balaclava
Lyndale United 2 - 0 Altona United
Mulgrave Ascom 1 - 3 Ascot St Marks
Riversdale 2 - 3 Skye Rovers
Round Sixteen
Saturday, July 11, 1987
Altona United 2 - 2 Eagles United
Ascot St Marks 5 - 2 Lyndale United
Balaclava 2 - 2 Debney Park
Goals: Ashley McIntyre, Kenny Jeynes
2 - 1 Mulgrave Ascom
Goal: Ian Hamilton
Carrum United 6 - 0 Fitzroy City
Kensington United 4 - 1 Skye Rovers
West United 1 - 1 Riversdale
Round Seventeen
Saturday, July 18, 1987
Debney Park 2 - 3 Carrum United
Eagles United 2 - 1 Ascot St Marks
Fitzroy City 0 - 4 Kensington United
Lyndale United
Goal: Tom Agnew
1 - 2 Brintons
Goals: Own goal, Ashley McIntyre
Mulgrave Ascom 0 - 0 Balaclava
Riversdale 2 - 1 Altona United
Skye Rovers 0 - 3 West United
Round Eighteen
Saturday, July 25, 1987
Altona United 1 - 2 Skye Rovers
Ascot St Marks 2 - 0 Riversdale
Balaclava 1 - 1 Lyndale United
Goals: Ashley McIntyre, David Brough
2 - 1 Eagles United
Goal: Enzo Dintinosante
Carrum United 0 - 2 Mulgrave Ascom
Fitzroy City 0 - 1 Debney Park
Kensington United 3 - 1 West United
Round Nineteen
Saturday, August 1, 1987
Debney Park 1 - 2 Kensington United
Eagles United 2 - 0 Balaclava
Lyndale United 2 - 3 Carrum United
Mulgrave Ascom 1 - 2 Fitzroy City
Goal: Steve Jencik
1 - 3 Brintons
Goals: Rob Dawson, Ashley McIntyre, Dean Thorpe
Skye Rovers 1 - 4 Ascot St Marks
West United 0 - 0 Altona United
Round Twenty
Saturday, August 8, 1987
Ascot St Marks 2 - 1 West United
Balaclava 2 - 2 Riversdale
Goal: Rob Dawson
1 - 0 Skye Rovers
Carrum United 2 - 0 Eagles United
Debney Park 0 - 3 Mulgrave Ascom
Fitzroy City 2 - 2 Lyndale United
Kensington United 3 - 1 Altona United
Round Twenty-One
Saturday, August 15, 1987
Eagles United 0 - 0 Fitzroy City
Lyndale United 3 - 0 Debney Park
Mulgrave Ascom 3 - 1 Kensington United
Riversdale 1 - 2 Carrum United
Skye Rovers 2 - 1 Balaclava
West United 2 - 0 Brintons
Date not known, 1987
Altona United 0 - 1 Ascot St Marks
Round Twenty-Two
Saturday, August 22, 1987
Balaclava 1 - 2 West United
Goals: Gary Johnson x 2, Rob Dawson, Ashley McIntyre
4 - 1 Altona United
Goal: Tony Dimitrievski
Carrum United 1 - 1 Skye Rovers
Debney Park 4 - 0 Eagles United
Fitzroy City 1 - 3 Riversdale
Kensington United 0 - 2 Ascot St Marks
Mulgrave Ascom 5 - 1 Lyndale United
Round Twenty-Three
Saturday, August 29, 1987
Altona United 1 - 1 Balaclava
Ascot St Marks 4 - 0 Brintons
Eagles United 1 - 3 Mulgrave Ascom
Lyndale United 2 - 2 Kensington United
Riversdale 1 - 2 Debney Park
Skye Rovers 0 - 0 Fitzroy City
West United 1 - 0 Carrum United
Round Twenty-Four
Saturday, September 5, 1987
Balaclava 0 - 1 Ascot St Marks
Carrum United 1 - 2 Altona United
Debney Park 0 - 1 Skye Rovers
Fitzroy City 0 - 1 West United
Kensington United
Goals: Carlos Sesta, Laste Eren
2 - 2 Brintons
Goals: Ashley McIntyre x 2
Lyndale United 2 - 1 Eagles United
Mulgrave Ascom 5 - 1 Riversdale
Round Twenty-Five
Saturday, September 12, 1987
Altona United 0 - 1 Fitzroy City
Ascot St Marks 3 - 0 Carrum United
Brintons 3 - 0 Balaclava
Eagles United 0 - 2 Kensington United
Riversdale 1 - 5 Lyndale United
Skye Rovers 1 - 0 Mulgrave Ascom
West United 3 - 1 Debney Park
Round Twenty-Six
Saturday, September 18, 1987
Balaclava 0 - 4 Kensington United
Carrum United 1 - 0 Brintons
Debney Park 0 - 0 Altona United
Eagles United 0 - 0 Riversdale
Fitzroy City 1 - 1 Ascot St Marks
Lyndale United 1 - 0 Skye Rovers
Mulgrave Ascom 0 - 5 West United