The OzSoccer Articles
This part of the OzSoccer archives is designed
to give an insight into Australian soccer from a more personal perspective
than the factual/statistical information found elsewhere on the
If you have an article (question-answer, personal account or
biographical piece) or wish to write one please contact Thomas Esamie.
There is no set length and anything which gives an insight into Australian
football will be happily accepted for inclusion.
In this book review Anthony Ferguson casts an eye over "Walk Alone"
the Craig Johnston autobiography.
Added 02/08/04
I came, I saw, Iraq
Iraq played some football and were deserving of more attention.
However Anthony Ferguson was there to relate the experience.
Added 14/02/04
...and the winner is...Brithbane
While there's no reason a Cameroon v Brazil match report should
be on this site it is one of those rare moments in sport when
the game is epitomised by just one match....written by David Marshall and
Added 17/11/01
The Duke of St Albans
Another Viduka article? Can we get some stuff on other players?
Reproduction of an article which appeared in the Sunday Times.
Added 17/11/01
Swim between the flags
Some claims from an anonymous source are addressed by
Breakers fans. Added 01/07/01
Caught in a rip
Simon has a dig at the the fans of Marconi by posing a
hypothetical scenario which mirrors the fate of his
beloved Breakers. Added 01/07/01
Mind the Gap
Sean D'Souza is a Kiwi in Australia and examines the relative
strengths of the national sides in the wake of the regular meeting
between them for the 2002 World Cup qualifiers. Added 30/06/01
Perth Kangaroos - a brief history
An e-mail by David Komadina in March 2000 contained a very
informative of the Perth Kangaroos. A shortlived team who competed
in the Singaporean S-League and a precursor, of sorts, to the Perth
Glory. Added 26/05/01
Venues are the key
Following the events surrounding the NSL playoff match between
the Melbourne Knights and Perth Glory in 2001 many people came up
with ideas to address some fundamental issues (well except
Soccer Australia :-). Here's Geoff Miles, CEO of the VSF having a go.
Added 21/05/01
A tale of two codes
Paul van der Leeden provides some anecdotal evidence of the
way Rugby Union is promoted at junior levels and poses the
obvious question. Added 21/05/01
Help us Obi-Mark Kenobi, you're Australia's Hope
Matthew Summers wears his heart on his sleeve as he looks at Mark Viduka
Added 26/08/99
Power Surge for the NSL ?
Matthew Summers previews the prospects for the NSL newcomers.
Added 08/08/99
Vale Jimmy Mackay
Greg Stock's tribute on the occasion of the passing of
Jimmy Mackay. Added 21/03/99
Black and Right
Chris Kunz enlightens us on the plight of two of our all
time best indigenous players. Added 21/03/99
Now all we need is a hall
Ray Gatt's brief account of the events at the Hall of Fame
awards in February 1999. Added 21/03/99
Sometimes "United" is not enough
Attempting to map out the history of teams in Sydney's north shore
area is tricky, but with Andrew Howe as your guide you'll at least
get an idea of what the hell is going on, this was written in
February 1997 but I only just rediscovered it. Added - 20/01/99
Bert, not just a muppet
In my work on this site I occasionally get chatting with people
who are either looking for or contributing information. Peter
Young was one such person, an Englishman stranded in the USA,
who one day (17/11/98) forwarded this brief of a biography on Bernhard
Trautmann. Eventhough it is merely a review of the book there
was enough here to interest any fan of the game - added 20/01/99
Mr Lyons at the Mike
Nick Guoth interviewed the Canberra Coach, Mike Lyons, some time
during the 1995/96 season. This transcript was stored on his Cosmos
website but it died and he has bequeathed this to us.
Added - 20/12/98
Listen Grasshopper, and I will teach you the ways
During the Rapid Vienna tour of 1956 their manager made a few
suggestions on how to improve the state of Australian soccer.
Over 40 years on and still we haven't taken these suggestions on
board. The article appeared in the 1956 NSW Soccer Association Yearbook
and was transcribed by Greg Stock - added 23/08/98
Hey, it's not our fault you suck!
An article from the 1956 NSW Soccer Association Yearbook reveals
a familiar bone of contention among fans the world over. Here
we hear from a referee, transcribed by Greg Stock - added 23/08/98
Cat's in the Cradle
Len and Gary Quested are a father son team who settled in Australia
and contributed greatly to the game here. Greg Stock spoke
with each of them. - added 08/06/98
I am woman, see me score
An account of Womens football in Australia written by one
of the original players to represent Australia, Anissa Tann Darby
- added 27/05/98
Two Rabbis walk into a bar...
An article by an unknown author from the 1955 NSW Soccer
Association Yearbook transcribed by Greg Stock. - added 14/04/98
Forward Thinking
An Interview of Attilla Abonyi, former Socceroo, conducted
by Greg Stock. Part of the series. - added 04/02/98
Anyone for a game of Wogball?
A personal account of one boys struggle against the tyranny
of football and cricket in Australia. Written by Anthony
Ferguson - added 26/01/98
From manure the roses do grow
A transcript of the minutes of the meeting which led to the
creation of the National Soccer League as found and transribed
by Nick Guoth (sometime in late 1997) - added 06/01/98
Where have all the forwards gone?
An interview with Alan Garside, former Socceroo, on the brink
of Australia's final World Cup game for the 1998 championships.
Written by Greg Stock - added 05/01/98
When two tribes go to war
A brief summary of how the Officialdom of Australian Soccer
came to split in 1957. Written by Greg Stock (19/08/1997)
- added 29/09/97
The prophet Dicko
In 1949 this article appeared in the Soccer Weekly News in relation
to the Hadjuk Split tour at the time - added 30/6/97.
Interview with the Gun for Hire
Nick Guoth has a brief chat with John Markovski after his first
game for Canberra Cosmos - added 27/2/97.
Mum's the word
We ask some questions of the mother of one of the young exports to
Europe about how it happened and how it feels - added 6/2/97.
An account written by Thomas Esamie (19/11/1995) of the rise of
Mark Viduka - added 6/2/97